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Below is a listing of most commonly used paranormal terms.

Anomaly-Something that is out of place and unexplained.


Anniversary Imprint-An imprint that usually manifests around the same time each year.


Apparitions-Appearance of a deceased person or animal.  It is often at a distance or out of the normal range of view.  They often appear as translucent white or solid black.


Attachment-A spirit that is attracted to a living person or object.


Cold Spot-A small, defined area of intense cold that can't be readily explained by other natural or mechanical causes.


Debunk-Attempts made to discredit or to verify non-paranormal activity.


Demon-Hostile and resentful entity, purported to be of non-human origin.


Demonic Haunting-Haunting by a non-human entity.  This can be a very traumatic and violent haunt.  They increase over time and effect and weaken and feed off of people's daily stresses.


Disembodied Voice-A voice heard by the human ear that is from a non-physical origin.


Electromagnetic Field (EMF)-A field of electronically, high frequency waves given off by objects such as electrical devices, power lines, appliances, bad wiring, pipes, and more.  Having high EMF can cause illness, hallucinations, and other side-effects.  It is also possibly paranormal in nature.


Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP)-A disembodied sound or voice that is caught on an electronic recording device.  EVP is not physically heard by the human ear at the time of the EVP.


Entity-A conscious, interactive ghost, any being, including people.


Exorcism-Expulsion of ghosts, spirits, demons, or other entities believed to possess humans.  Exorcism cannot rid a home or object of paranormal activity.


Fear Cage-A term used to explain high levels of Electromagnetic Field energy causing severe side effects to humans.  Top examples include electrical boxes, air purifiers, and power lines.  This causes the person to feel like they're living in fear, anxiety, paranoia, uneasy, feeling like they're being watched, and even seeing shadows.


Ghost-Generic term used to describe many different types of supernatural entities.


Haunting-Any repeated appearance or experience of unexplained phenomena that is commonly associated with ghosts, spirits, or poltergeist. 


Haunted-A person, place, or thing to which a spirit is attached.  The spirits can be human or non-human in nature.


Hot Spot-A site within a haunted location that frequent paranormal activity or more prominent energy.


Ions-Electrically charged atom or molecule.


Intelligent Haunting-Paranormal activity that is from an intelligent or conscious spirit.  This type of spirit is one that can communicate with humans either by sight, sound, smell, and manipulation of the environment or objects.


Manifest/Manifestation (a.k.a. materialization)-Act of an entity trying to make itself appear to the eye.  Some of the theories include rods, orbs, or apparitions.


Mini Geller-A term given to children or teens who have metal bending abilities such as spoon bending.  A small handful of these special people have been documented in laboratories by parapsychologists. 


Orb-A photographic anomaly that many believe could be paranormal.  99.99% of these experiences are dust, snow, rain, insects, reflections, and much more.  As of this moment there has never been an orb photo nor any other paranormal photo deemed as real. 


Paranormal-Events above the normal and everyday experiences.  This can be controversial, and may or may not be commonly accepted by science.  The paranormal (supernatural side) includes many realms not just ghosts.  Other forms of paranormal are UFOs, Bigfoot, and more.


Pareodolia-A term used to describe faces, figures, and unusual images in everyday objects such as clouds, rocks, foliage, etc.  This is a trick on the human mind.  I.E.  I see a rabbit in the clouds.  Many believe that they see ghosts in trees or windows.  It is the eyes playing tricks.  Other terms used are Matrixing and Simulacra.


Percipient-Person who sees an apparition.


Poltergeist-A mischievous or malevolent ghost or non-human entity creating noise, moving objects, and creating other physical disturbances.


Possession-To have some degree of control over something or someone else.  It is very rare but it could be possible a person could be possessed by a negative entity.


Residual Haunting-A haunted that is replayed like a video over and over in which a ghost, spirit, or entity is directly involved.  One example is hearing gun shots in an old haunted bed and breakfast.


Shadow People-Also known as shadow figures, they are said to be humanoid figures that are seen mostly in peripheral vision and move quickly.  They are sometimes known in modern folklore and paranormal as dark entities with malevolent intentions. 


Specter-A ghostly apparition; phantom


Spirit-Believed to exist in an invisible realm that can only be seen under certain circumstances or by people with special abilities.


White Noise-An acoustical or electrical noise of which the intensity is the same at all frequencies within a given band.

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